Antonio Conte

Antonio Conte Caricture by Artmagenta
Antonio Conte

Antonio Conte (born 31 July 1969) is an Italian professional football manager and former player. He is currently the head coach of the Italian national team.

TAGS: Caricature of Antonio Conte, cartoon of Antonio Conte, comics of Antonio Conte, portrait of Antonio Conte.

Charlotte Gainsbourg

Charlotte Gainsbourg caricature by Artmagenta
Charlotte Gainsbourg
Charlotte Lucy Gainsbourg (born 21 July 1971) is a British-French actress and singer.

TAGS: Caricature of Charlotte Gainsbourg, cartoon of Charlotte Gainsbourg, comics of Charlotte Gainsbourg, portrait of Charlotte Gainsbourg.

Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley caricature by Artmagenta
Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley caricature cartoon. Portrait drawing by Artmagenta.
Elvis Presley 1935-1977

Adam Driver

Adam Driver a caricature by Artmagenta
Adam Driver

Adam Driver is a caricature by Artmagenta
Adam Driver
Adam Driver (born November 19, 1983) is an American actor.

Latest news for Adam Driver

TAGS: Caricature of Adam Driver, cartoon of Adam Driver, comics of Adam Driver, portrait of Adam Driver.

David Bowie

David Bowie caricature cartoon. Portrait drawing by caricaturist Artmagenta
David Bowie caricature (1947-2016)
David Jones (born 8 January 1947, died 11 January 2016), known by his stage name David Bowie, was an English musician, actor, record producer and arranger.

TAGS: Caricature of David Bowie, cartoon of David Bowie, comics of David Bowie, portrait of David Bowie.

Daisy Ridley

Daisy Ridley as Rey in Force Awakens a caicature by Artmagenta
Daisy Ridley as Rey in Force Awakens

Daisy Ridley (born 10 April 1992) is an English actress. She starred as Rey in the 2015 film Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

TAGS: Caricature of Daisy Ridley, cartoon of Daisy Ridley, comics of Daisy Ridley, portrait of Daisy Ridley.

Gillian Anderson

Gillian Anderson as agent Scully caricature by Artmagenta
Gillian Anderson as agent Scully in X-files

Gillian Anderson (born August 9, 1968) is an American-British actress.

TAGS: Caricature of Gillian Anderson, cartoon of Gillian Anderson, comics of Gillian Anderson, portrait of Gillian Anderson.